UPDATED December 24, 2022 – important update for christmas day service
God’s hand of provision and protection on Eastwood Church reveals itself in many ways, but last night in the middle of the night, it revealed itself in what turned out to be a very small fire in our laundry room. We praise God, as this was a situation that could have been much worse. An old wall heater apparently turned itself on and eventually ignited a nearby laundry cart. Thankfully, it appears to have just smoldered long enough to trigger our fire alarm with enough time to notify the fire department before actually catching fire. They were able to get the fire put out with just fire extinguishers and get most of the smoke out of our building.
HOWEVER, we will ask that you enter only through the FRONT SANCTUARY DOORS. The rest of our building will be CLOSED tomorrow. We will most likely have to do some smoke mitigation next week, as the building smells of smoke almost throughout all of it. The sanctuary, however, seems to be unaffected. Again, we PRAISE GOD for this.
As a result, during our service, we will NOT be having nursery as we had originally planned. If you have an infant, we ask that you bring him/her to the service and use the quiet room, as needed. If you have any questions about this, please contact Laura Smith at 423-284-9337.
If you have any other questions, you may contact Sean at 423-598-0286.
Below is a picture of the full extent of the damage to our church. Please lift up a prayer of PRAISE TO GOD for his protection on His house. Thank you, and we hope to see you tomorrow to celebrate Christmas together as family.
UPDATED December 13, 2022 – christmas caroling information
As we have done every year for many years, we will be going Christmas caroling tomorrow (Wednesday, December 14) after dinner. We will be going to two nearby assisted living centers to bless the residents with some Christmas cheer and fellowship.
Our regular Wednesday night Fellowship Dinner will be served as always from 5 p.m. until 6:15 p.m. Afterwards we will gather in the gym and then carpool together. The locations where we will be singing are as follows:
Location #1 – Morning Pointe of Collegedale – 9650 Leyland Dr, Collegedale, TN 37363 – We are scheduled to arrive here at 6:45 p.m.
Location #2 – Life Care Center of Collegedale – 9210 Apison Pike Collegedale, TN 37315 (the entrance is off of Swinyar Drive)
Hope to see everyone come out and sing together. It truly is a blessed time of fellowship and connecting with our community.
UPDATED november 28, 2022 – UPCOMING DECEMBER schedule
We once again have an exciting and busy holiday season celebrating the work of God through Jesus. Below is our current schedule of events. Hope to see you and your friends and family.
UPDATED november 5, 2022 – youth event: dare to share
ATTENTION: Youth Parents, Youth Leaders, and Youth Students, there is an exciting upcoming event next Saturday, November 12, from 11:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. It’s called DARE TO SHARE.
DARE TO SHARE is a ministry focused on equipping and empowering students to be bold in sharing the message of the gospel. Our group will be taking part in a DARE TO SHARE LiveStream event that’s going to give students tools and provide an outreach opportunity that will give them a space to have gospel conversations.
The cost to attend will be $10 to help cover the cost of food for the entire day.
We need a final headcount by Wednesday night so we can place a food order. Please text Jonathan Barrett at 423-802-5706 to let us know if your student plans to attend.
As Bill announced during our service yesterday, we will be taking up a financial offering for ONE WEEK (deadline Sunday November 6) for Ukraine. A gentleman named Ken Ward, who is a close friend of Mike Cribbs and has traveled to Moldova many times by himself and with Mike (he has also attended multiple Men’s Retreats with Eastwood), will be taking the offering with him to Moldova. The money will be given to churches there that will purchase food to be carried over into Ukraine. Anything given will go directly to the people of Ukraine. Please just mark your checks “UKRAINE OFFERING” and if you have any questions or want more information, please feel free to contact the church office. We also ask that you be praying for this trip. Ken leaves on November 9.
UPDATED september 4, 2022 – new women’s bible study
We are excited to announce the return of the Monday night Women’s bible study at the home of Jessi Oates. The study will be “The Names of God” by Tony Evans and will begin on Monday, September 12, and will run until approximately until the end of November. Each meeting will take place at the Oates home (subject to change) and will run from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Women of all ages are encouraged and invited to attend.
The study is described as follows:
Who is God? How can we trust him? Where can you find answers to these questions? It’s all in a name! Meet Elohim, our powerful creator; Jehovah, the self-revealing one; Adonai, the owner of all; El Shaddai, the almighty sufficient one; and Immanuel, God with us; and gain a deeper understanding of God’s identity.
There will be a cost of $10 for the book, and if you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Jessi Oates at 423-400-9925.
UPDATED August 26, 2022 – youth/parent information request
With the new school year starting, the youth ministry is needing your HELP. We are asking ALL PARENTS to fill out a digital information form for each of the kids they have attending the youth ministry. Please click the link below and proceed through the pages, accurately entering information for each student (and yourself). This will help us with communicating events and happenings to everybody. We thank you ahead of time for your prompt assistance with this matter. As always, if there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Youth Pastor, Jonathan Barrett, at 423-802-5706.
UPDATED August 3, 2022 – information for tonight
As has been the case for many, many years, Eastwood Church is once again a polling location for local and national elections in 2022. Well, this cycle, the election is being held on a Thursday (tomorrow) instead of a Tuesday. With our regular Wednesday night service (i.e. dinner, worship, and small groups), this throws a wrinkle into the mix that we don’t normally have to deal with.
So, tonight, the election volunteer workers will be at our facility, beginning at around 6:45 p.m. (after dinner) to set up for the next day. They will be occupying the gym like usual. We ask for your courtesy, grace, and understanding when small groups dismiss around 8 p.m.. Normally on Wednesdays after church, we have a lot of activity in the gym, like basketball, various games, people hanging out and talking, etc. We ask that for tonight that you help us with either doing that elsewhere in the church, like the sanctuary, hallways, or outside in the parking lot. I’m not sure how long it will take them to set up, but our guess is that at 8 p.m. when we finish church, they will still be working. They are aware we have church on Wednesday night, so they will be accommodating as well. Obviously, you can walk into the kitchen and get your food or do anything you need to do. We are just asking that you be mindful of their setup.
We do appreciate your help and understanding with this minor inconvenience.
UPDATED july 6, 2022 – help needed – youth mission trip breakfast & dinner meal trains
This year, the Youth Summer mission trip is a local mission where the kids will be staying overnight at Eastwood Church and working in conjunction with Camp Eastwood from 9am until 2pm for the first part of the day and then participating in other activities in the afternoons and evenings. Our youth participants will be serving in many capacities during Camp Eastwood, from leading worship, leading small groups, helping run games and crafts, to fulfilling a variety of many other roles. They are going to be working very hard to help the campers come to know and see Jesus in a very real way. This is where you, the body of Christ at Eastwood, come in!
Lunch is being provided for the workers by the Camp, but we need some folks to help by providing breakfast each of the 5 days and dinner 3 of the 5 evenings (8 opportunities total) for 30 teenagers/adults. So, we have created a Meal Train for each, one for breakfasts and one for dinners. We would love for you to sign up as you feel led by God. Here are the days/dates for each:
BREAKFAST: Monday-Friday, July 18 – July 22 (all 5 mornings)
DINNER: Monday, July 18; Tuesday, July 19; and Friday, July 22 (Wednesday and Thursday will be taken care of by the church)
To make sure we have variety, Terri Harper will coordinate with everyone what meals each person is bringing after all 8 slots are filled.
If you have any questions, please contact Terri Harper at 423-991-6815, and please sign up for either breakfast or dinner by click one of the links below:
UPDATED june 26, 2022 – another child foundation shoes & diaper drive information
Today, June 26, marks the beginning of Eastwood Church‘s Shoes & Diaper Drive for Another Child Foundation. From June 26 thru July 24, Eastwood Church will be collecting shoes, diapers, and wipes for Another Child’s international partners.
Eastwood’s goal: 200 pairs of NEW shoes and 2,500 diapers and wipes. Let’s see if we can smash these goals for the kids!
Here are the parameters:
Shoes: The shoes MUST be NEW shoes. For sanitary reasons, the shoes cannot be used. Athletic shoes are best and most preferred, and they MUST be closed-toe shoes. Also, needed sizes range from Toddler-size thru Kids Size 6.
Diapers & Pull-ups: Newborn sizes are most preferred. These will support an infant home with 12 orphaned infants that ACF supports in Guatemala.
Collection: At Eastwood Church from June 26 thru July 24. There will be two collection bins, one in the sanctuary lobby and one in the entry hallway leading into the gym.
If you have any questions, please contact that church office. Thank you in advance for your giving hearts.
UPDATED May 4, 2022 – Camp Eastwood Registration now open
With Summer fast approaching, it is NOW time to start making plans for CAMP EASTWOOD. Yes, that’s right. God has given us the vision to once against host summer camp at Eastwood Church. We are excited about what God is going to do in our kids, our leaders, and our church. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Below is the basic information:
DATES: Monday, July 18 – Thursday, July 21
TIMES: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
AGES: 4-11 years old
COST: $50
If you need additional information, please contact our Children’s Director, Laura Smith at [email protected] or 423-284-9337. Also, please be praying for all the preparation for this year’s camp.
UPDATED April 11, 2022 – good friday service
Please plan to join us Friday, April 15, at 6:30 p.m. for our annual Good Friday worship service. This will be an intimate time of worship and a powerful time of reflection on the cross and the redemptive gift of God’s grace in Christ. Invite family and friends. We hope to see you.
UPDATED December 9, 2021 – youth christmas party info
UPDATED november 24, 2021 – holiday schedule
We once again have an exciting and busy holiday season celebrating the work of God through Jesus. Below is our current schedule of events. Hope to see you and your friends and family.
UPDATED october 24, 2021 – children’s christmas program & help needed
This year, the children’s ministry will be doing a musical production entitled The Story of the Ornament, in which a young girl named Emily learns the true meaning of Christmas by taking an unexpected trip to heaven on Christmas Eve. Please mark your calendars for December 12th at 6:00 p.m. and plan to attend this special Sunday evening service. This is different than in years past. Normally the Children’s program is during our usual Sunday morning worship, but this year, it will be a special Sunday evening service. Please SAVE THE DATE now.
Now we need to ask for your help.
This year, the children are going to be joined by about 15 members of the youth group who will be serving as the angel choir for the musical. We don’t have enough Angel costumes in our supply room to outfit all of these teenagers, so we’re asking for help in two ways:
- On Saturday November 13th, the youth group will be taking on the task of sewing costumes and building stage props as their monthly service Saturday project, and we want to invite you to help! If you sew, have a sewing machine you can bring, or would be willing to come help out in any way (pinning seams, cutting patterns, etc), we could really use your help! Gwen Cribbs will be leading us through a simple sewing pattern and we hope to get all the costumes made that morning.
- We calculated it, and it’s going to take 75 yards of fabric to make our Angel costumes. If you have a sewing closet full of fabric you “hoped to use one day” we would greatly appreciate donations of plain white fabric (broadcloth or something similar) you may have laying around. Plain white sheets may also work for our simple costumes. If you have fabric you’re willing to donate, please reach out to Monica Barrett at (423) 309-1123.
We’d like to have all donations by the end of October so we know what we still need to purchase to complete our sewing project.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Laura Smith at the church office or Monica Barrett at the number above.
UPDATED october 21, 2021 – churchwide fall picnic information update
As we announced recently, we will be having a Church-wide Fall Picnic this year instead of Trunk-or-Treat, which will be a wonderful celebration of fellowship for our church family. This will occur on Sunday, October 31 right after church from 1:00-4:00 p.m. We will be serving lunch first and will then be having a costume parade, followed by games and a time of fellowship. This is a picnic, so it will be casual and relaxing. If you would rather just sit and talk with your friends, we encourage that. If you like the idea of games, we encourage that. We will have live music during the event, so it should just be a fun, festive atmosphere for the entire family.
Here is some important information:
LUNCH WILL BE SERVED from approximately 1:00-2:00 p.m. The church will provide BBQ, buns, slaw, and drinks. We are asking that each family bring a side dish or dessert to share. With the picnic being right after church, if you’re attending Sunday school and/or worship service (which we certainly encourage you to do), you will need to bring your food prior to church. We will have someone receiving food in the kitchen Sunday morning.
COSTUME PARADE: The parade will be after lunch, so if you are one of those who loves to dress up, you will need to do that during the lunch hour. This should allow plenty of time to get prepared. More information will come from Mrs. Laura on the parade as we get closer to the day of the event.
GAMES: We will have a variety of games (i.e. corn hole, beachball volleyball, kickball on the ballfield, face painting, and others).
As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Laura at the church office at 423-396-2177.
UPDATED october 4, 2021 – churchwide fall picnic – save the date
Please mark your calendars now for Sunday, October 31. Instead of Trunk-or-Treat this year, we will be doing a Churchwide Fellowship Picnic. This will be right after our regular Sunday worship service, from 1-4 p.m. There will be food, fun, fellowship, costumes, and more. More details will come as the date approaches, but mark your calendars now and make plans to attend.
UPDATED may 28, 2021 – Parking lot paving project
As you can see from the picture below, the parking lot paving project is under way. Due to this, we ask that you adhere to the following instructions:
If you are facing the sanctuary, please park in one of the following two locations:
- The concrete parking lot to the left of the sanctuary building; OR…
- The far right side of the asphalt parking lot (more in front of the gym building)
Please do not park in front of the sanctuary, and please also leave the handicap spots for those who need them. Thank you for your patience and understanding while this project is happening. If you have any questions, as always, you may contact the church office.
UPDATED may 14, 2021 – wednesday night fellowship meal returns
Well, it’s exciting to tell you that our regular Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner returns next week, May 19. We are so thankful for God’s provision for this wonderful opportunity to gather as His family over a meal again.
We are clearing out our old reservation list and starting fresh with new reservations, so please click the link below to make a reservation for your family. You can make an ongoing permanent reservation, or you can make a reservation week-by-week. If you make a permanent reservation, we do ask that you cancel that week’s reservation if you are not going to be able to make it. Good, accurate reservations help us plan for how much food to purchase.
We have seen God move at Eastwood in many exciting ways. One of those is adding in our corporate worship in the sanctuary. We gather at 6:15 p.m., and then small groups begin at 7:00 p.m. Because of this, we will be adjusting the times we will be serving dinner. They are as follows:
Dinner will be served from 5:00 p.m. until 6:15 p.m.
After 6:15 p.m., we will be making our way to the sanctuary for worship. We are looking forward to having fellowship with you.
Meal for Wednesday, May 19: Poppy Seed Chicken, Rice, Green Beans, Yeast Rolls, Cookies
$5.00 per adult
$3.00 per child (12 and under)
$15.00 max. per family (eating at the church)
$4.00 per Take-Out (if leftovers are available)
UPDATED April 23, 2021 – Fourth friday – climbing gym information
PARENTS: If your child and/or their friend are attending the Fourth Friday event at High Point tonight, please do 2 things:
1) Please let Jonathan or Monica know if you will be attending
2) Click the link below to fill out the High Point waiver. These MUST be filled out in ADVANCE.
Thank you for your help!!
UPDATED April 20, 2021 – crockett vow renewal
Mike & Mary Crockett have recently celebrated their 25th anniversary, and as a way to praise God for all He has done in their lives, they would like to commemorate the occasion by renewing their wedding vows with their church family. This invitation is open to the entire church. Please plan to attend this wedding celebration on Saturday, May 8 at 6:00 p.m. at Eastwood Church with reception to follow. Mike & Mary would love to have your attendance but are insistent that they want NO GIFTS. Please just plan to attend and celebrate the many miracles their 25 years of marriage represent. CASUAL ATTIRED preferred. Please RSVP to Mike or Mary.
UPDATED April 2, 2021 – Service Saturday (April 10) info & form
Please watch the brief video (3 minutes) below for information about Service Saturday on April 10. Here is the link for the form referenced in the video:
UPDATED march 19, 2021 – upcoming important dates
Please make note of the following IMPORTANT DATES and events:
Friday, April 2, 2021 – 6:30 p.m. – Good Friday Service – This will be a wonderful evening of reflection on the cross, the sacrifice of Christ, and the amazing gift of God’s grace. Invite your friends and family.
Saturday, April 10, 2021 – 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Church-wide Service Saturday – Come join us for a few hours of service around our church building. There will be a variety of jobs to do. There will be something suitable for all ages. Lunch will be served afterward for a fun fellowship meal.
Saturday, May 1, 2021 – 6:00 p.m. – Eastwood’s Got Talent – Our annual Woodlands Camp fund raiser TALENT SHOW returns!
Friday, May 14 – Sunday, May 16, 2021 – Men’s Retreat at Fort Bluff – Cost will be $125 for the Lodge, $145 for a Private Room. Registration will be open soon.
As always, if there are any questions, please contact the church office.
UPDATED FEBRUARY 12, 2021 – Lord’s supper on sunday
We will be doing The Lord’s Supper on Sunday during our regular worship service. We will have pre-packaged communion cups/wafers at each entry door to the sanctuary. When you arrive, we ask that you take one cup per person and hold until we make it to that point in the service. We do ask that you be careful with the juice as the cups can be a little tricky to open. Hoping to not have spills on our new chairs or carpet. We are excited about doing this together as the body of Christ.
updated January 28, 2021 – sunday school information
We have some really exciting news for many of you. Sunday School is officially returning across all ages this coming Sunday, January 31.
All Sunday School classes for all ages will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will end at 10:30 a.m.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Sean at 423-598-0286.
Here is what will be offered starting Sunday:
Pre-School: This will take place in the Green & Orange rooms (Rooms 116 & 118)
K-5: This will take place in the KidZone Room (Rooms 112/114)
This will take place in the Youth Room. There will be large group teaching starting at 9:30 a.m. and then there will be small group break-out groups afterwards. The division of these groups will be based on how many students we have in attendance and the ages/grades. Currently, there will be no formal age/gender divisions on Sunday mornings like there are on Wednesdays.
Here are the current offerings and locations (with current contact or leader in parentheses). These locations are subject to change.
WOMEN’S ONLY: Cafe Eastwood (Deb Jeffers)
MEN’S ONLY: Room 211 (Kevin Beirne or Jim Lawrence)
YOUNG ADULT/COLLEGE AGE: Room 214 (Todd Oates)
COED: Room 216 (Pastor Sean)
COED: Room 110 (Mike Cribbs)
This is an exciting development for us to be able to start back studying God’s word together in small groups on Sunday mornings. Through much prayer and seeking, we feel this is the way God has led us at this point in time. As always, if you have any questions, never hesitate to contact the Church Office at 423-396-2177.
updated January 7, 2021 – info for january 10 sunday service
updated January 5, 2021 – youth winter retreat update
updated december 30, 2020 – carl & kathy most, missionary update
- As we look back to the answered prayers for Kathy and her knee injury, it was quite the miracle that not only kept her off the operation table, but even allowed her to travel with me all over Cuba for 2 weeks.
- Our ministry trip to Cuba, from the moment we landed in Havana to the moment we left, had God’s hand and favor all over it. Not only were we able to get the much needed financial support and gifts to each of our national leaders, but we were so blessed to join God in His healing and encouraging work in the lives of these same dear folks as we sat down together in what could only be described as holy spaces.
- As mentioned in our most recent newsletter, the latest 3 day Mission for Restoration Training of church leaders was just phenomenal, with so much enthusiasm and participation on the part of the students. This passion and vision is wonderfully moving from the classroom experience into their lives, churches and city contexts.
- Finally, we have to mention the praise and miracle that was our togetherness this Christmas. Just getting to do that, without masks and health concerns was a huge gift from God to our extended family.
- As we look forward to the new year, pray with us as we make plans and priorities for the ministry opportunities we see the Lord opening up for us. Some of these are a continuation of the past year, but as is often the case, the Lord so graciously also invites us all into new areas and ways of joining Him in ministry too.
- Prayer for our good health so we can pass the covid tests and continue to travel to Cuba and join in the work there.
- Prayer for the ongoing and new Training Classes in Cuba that are set to take place in 2021.
updated december 16, 2020 – YOUTH WINTER RETREAT
We are currently making plans for our 2021 Youth Winter Retreat at Camp Living Stones. It will once again be on the same weekend we have done for many years. We will depart Friday, January 15 and return Monday, January 18.
We recognize things are much different this year than in year’s past, so if you and your family have questions, concerns, thoughts, etc., please feel free to reach out to Youth Pastor, Jonathan Barrett, and he would be happy to discuss with you.
Cost this year is $140. This will include the retreat, all meals, and a t-shirt.
We really need to get a good idea of the number of students that will be going, so please REGISTER as soon as you can.
You can do that by clicking the link below:
updated december 15, 2020 – info for caroling
For our Wednesday night service on December 16, our plan is to go Christmas caroling at a retirement center around the corner from the church. We will be OUTSIDE, so dress accordingly.
Here is our schedule:
Arrive at Eastwood: 6:15 p.m.
Leave Eastwood: 6:30 p.m.
Return to Eastwood: by 7:45 p.m.
There is a chance for rain on Wednesday. It appears the rain will be moving through the area earlier in the afternoon. If that changes, we will make an announcement by 2 p.m. on Wednesday.
If rain cancels our caroling outing, we will have regular worship service with small groups to follow.
We are going to do everything we can to go caroling. That is our strong desire to do. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the church office.
updated december 14, 2020 – budget & annual business meeting

updated december 4, 2020 – uganda offering
Every year, Makumbi comes to the United States to visit and always spends much time at Eastwood, worshiping with us and sharing with us what God is doing through his ministry, his church, and in his country. Over the years, Makumbi has planted and helped plant many churches, taught and trained many pastors, and has been instrumental in many, many people coming to know Christ. He has a very impactful ministry.
This year, Makumbi has been unable to travel and come to the States because of Covid. As such, we would like to continue to be a strong source of support for him and his church, so we are going to take up an offering for him throughout the month of December. Whatever is given, along with our budgeted amount, we will send to him in early January.
Please just indicate “Uganda” along with your contribution. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the church office. Thank you for prayerfully considering giving.
updated december 2, 2020 – christmas calendar
Wednesday, December 2 – Regular worship in the gym and small groups inside
Sunday, December 6 – Regular worship service (location to be determined based on weather)
Wednesday, December 9 – Regular worship in the gym and small groups inside
Sunday, December 13 – CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM during regular Sunday morning worship service. This service will most likely be inside the gym. More details to come closer to the date.
Wednesday, December 16 – CHRISTMAS CAROLING – This event is currently TENTATIVE, as we have to arrange it with the intended facility, but our hope is to go to a local retirement community and sing for the residents outside their windows. More details will come, but if we do this, we will gather at the church at 6:15 p.m. and leave promptly at 6:30 p.m., planning to return to the church by 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 20 – Regular worship service (location to be determined based on weather)
Wednesday, December 23 – CANDLELIGHT SERVICE – 6:30 p.m. – Right now, the plan for this service is to be OUTSIDE UNDER THE TENT regardless of temperature. If it rains, we would most likely move into the gym. More details will come.
Sunday, December 27 – Regular worship service (location to be determined based on weather)
Sunday, January 3 – Regular worship service (location to be determined based on weather)
Wednesday, January 6 – Resume regular Wednesday activities (location to be determined by weather)
As always, things are SUBJECT TO CHANGE based on circumstances beyond our control. We will try to communicate quickly and ahead of time, whenever possible. We hope to see you attend these worship opportunities.

updated November 13, 2020 – info for sunday
We thank you for your continued grace, patience, and prayers as we seek God for His wisdom and guidance on when, how, and where to gather as His church. We are committed to getting back to in-person gatherings just as soon as we can, but for right now, we wanted to let you know our immediate plans.
First and foremost, as we previously announced, we will NOT have in-person services on Sunday, November 15, and we wanted to announce that we will also NOT be meeting in-person on Wednesday, November 18. More information will be sent out next week about Wednesday’s plans. Stay tuned.
For this coming Sunday (November 15), we are going to do another Zoom Prayer & Worship Service again, very much like last Sunday, although the focus and content of the prayer time will be different.
SPECIAL REQUEST: If you would be willing to share a short GIVING THANKS on the Zoom service, please text Sean at 423-598-0286. This will be much like what Bill regularly does on Sunday mornings. About a one-minute, quick story of what you have seen God doing in your life and why you are thankful.
Please use the link or Meeting ID below to access the Zoom room. The room will be open by 10:45 a.m. and the service will begin at 11:00 a.m.
We ask that families attempt to login together, as our allowed participants for the room is limited.
Here is the Zoom info:
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8255131813
Meeting ID: 825 513 1813
If you have any questions about this or anything at all, please contact Sean at 423-598-0286.
updated November 10, 2020 – info for wednesday
There will be no in-person church service on Wednesday, November 11, or Sunday, November 15.
On Wednesday, November 11, if you are in a small group, please contact your small group leader to see if they are doing any form of virtual gathering. We are leaving that up to each individual group to decide what they are doing.
On Sunday, November 15, we will do another virtual prayer gathering like we did this past Sunday. It was a sweet time of prayer, and we just feel that at this time one of the most important and powerful things God’s people can do is join together to pray and to seek His face as ONE BODY. It will probably have a slightly different look to it this week, so we hope each of you makes it a point to join us. More details will come later in the week.
At this time, no decision has been made about in-person gatherings for Wednesday, November 18 and Sunday, November 22. We will communicate information on those dates at a later time.
As always, if you have questions, please feel free to contact any of your church leadership. We continue to thank you for your understanding, your patience, and your grace during this time. We love each of you.
updated November 7, 2020 – info for sunday
Sunday, November 8: Zoom Prayer & Worship Service Information
Our regular worship service in person and under the tent has been canceled for Sunday, November 8.
Instead, we will be gathering via Zoom for prayer and worship. Please use the link or Meeting ID below to access the Zoom room. The room will be open by 10:45 a.m. and the service will begin at 11:00 a.m.
We ask that families attempt to login together, as our allowed participants for the room is limited.
If you have any questions about this please contact Sean at 423-598-0286.
Here is the Zoom info:
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8255131813
Meeting ID: 825 513 1813
We strongly encourage you to arrive in the Zoom room early to make sure you can get logged in, as technical support during this time will be unavailable.
We are looking forward to worshiping and praying with you.
updated November 6, 2020 – video from your pastors
A message from your pastors, Bill & Sean.
updated October 5, 2020 – pews available
As we announced Sunday during our worship service, our sanctuary renovation project is under way and our pews are in the process of being removed. As such, they are available to anyone who has an interest in having one. All of the 8-foot pews are accounted for, but there are still about twelve 10-foot pews remaining. If you would like one, please contact Sean at 423-598-0286 to make arrangements to pick up. You will have to provide your own means of hauling the pew to your house. We also ask that you express your desire for one before Wednesday, as they will be gone after Wednesday night.
updated september 11, 2020 – video from your pastors
An IMPORTANT update from your pastors, Bill & Sean.
updated september 10, 2020 – celebration of life
Eastwood Church will be hosting a CELEBRATION OF LIFE for Mr. Greg (Greg Snyder) on Saturday, September 19, at 11 a.m. We expect this to last around one hour. This will not be a formal funeral or memorial service, but rather, it will be a more casual time of remembrance and celebration of the life Greg lived and the way God used him in the lives of so many, especially in our body at Eastwood. We will do this under the tent, and if you were close to Greg or he had an impact on your life or your child’s life, there will be opportunity to stand up and share what you saw God do through Greg’s life or what he meant to you. It should be a sweet time spent sharing with his immediate family, his extended family, and his church family. We hope you can plan to attend, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the church office.
updated August 27, 2020 – new women’s bible study
A week from today, Thursday, September 3, a new study will be beginning for the Thursday morning Women’s small group that Erin Burnett leads. The study is entitled “Bedrock: Building a Firm Foundation” and will investigate some of the foundational elements of the Christian faith, starting with an in-depth look at God and His attributes, moving into who we are as His creation, the problem of sin, Jesus as God’s great rescue plan for us, and concluding with Kingdom living and our purpose in the world. This study will be a great entry point for any women looking for a women’s small group and will also be a great place for you to invite any women you think would benefit from a small group bible study that looks at the foundations of our faith.
The group will meet at the church on Thursday mornings from 10-11 a.m.
As weather permits, the group will meet outside (will move into the gym if necessary) and will also provide Zoom for anybody wants to attend virtually.
If you have any questions or want more information, please contact Erin Burnett at 423 605 7443.
updated August 12, 2020 – video from your pastors
A message from your pastors, Bill & Sean.
updated July 8, 2020 – video from your pastors
Pastors, Bill Spencer and Sean Hanzelik, discuss recent developments in our local community and Eastwood Church’s response to that and what we see God doing in and through our church.
updated June 26, 2020 – info for sunday
Currently, there is a potential for SEVERE WEATHER for Sunday morning. We will be watching the forecast and will make a call on whether to stay outside under the tent or move into the gym by 8:30 a.m. Sunday morning. Please be on the lookout for communication early Sunday. If it’s just raining with no real threat for lightning, we will be outside under the tent. Our desire and goal is to be outside.
updated June 24, 2020 – info for wednesday
There is once again a threat of severe weather for tonight, so we will be moving our corporate worship into the GYM, and small groups, children, and youth will move accordingly as well. Here are the specifics for tonight’s Wednesday service.
- Bring your own chairs
- Arrive at 6:15 p.m. to set up IN THE GYM comfortably spaced out.
- Worship will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will end by 7:00 p.m.
- There will be nursery like normal. Temps will be taken.
- There will be Children’s Ministry. After worship, the children will go with Mrs. Laura & Mrs. Terri to the Kidz Zone room. They will take temps of all the kids present.
- Youth large group teaching and small groups will meet spread out in the GYM.
- Other small groups will meet in the largest, open areas we have. Please ask your leader where your group will meet.
- If you have any questions, please feel free to text/call Sean at 423-598-0286.
Hope to see you all tonight.
updated June 19, 2020 – camp eastwood

updated June 13, 2020 – info for sunday
We will continue to meet outside, under the tent for our Sunday service on June 14. Basically, everything is the same as it has been, but just a few reminders for you for tomorrow:
- Please bring your own chairs.
- Please bring your own bibles.
- Arrive at 10:45 a.m. and set up wherever you feel comfortable.
- Service will begin at 11:00 a.m.
- Please be mindful of social distancing and the personal space of others.
- There will be no greet time or passing of the plate for offering. Offering boxes are available.
- There will be nursery.
- Children and youth will remain under the tent for our service.
- There is no official Sunday school time; however, some groups are choosing to meet outside or in one of our large, open areas, so please contact your class leader to find out your group’s plan.
- If you are sitting underneath the tent, we ask that you park further out beyond the light poles. Please leave the parking spots behind the tent and closer to the tent for those folks who are sitting in their cars or outside the tent for social distancing purposes. We thank you for helping with this.
- Thank you for your grace, love, patience, and understanding during this time.
updated June 10, 2020 – SEVERE WEATHER UPDATE
The threat of severe weather for tonight appears to have only worsened, so we will be moving our corporate worship into the GYM, and small groups, children, and youth will move accordingly as well. Here are the specifics for tonight’s Wednesday service.
- Bring your own chairs
- Arrive at 6:15 p.m. to set up IN THE GYM comfortably spaced out.
- Worship will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will end by 7:00 p.m.
- There will be nursery like normal. Temps will be taken.
- There will be Children’s Ministry. After worship, the children will go with Mrs. Payne to the Kidz Zone room. She will take temps of all the kids present.
- Youth large group teaching and small groups will meet spread out in the GYM.
- Other small groups will meet in the largest, open areas we have. Please ask your leader where your group will meet.
- If you have any questions, please feel free to text/call Sean at 423-598-0286.
Hope to see you all tonight.
updated June 9, 2020 – info for wednesday
- Corporate worship before small groups will be IN THE GYM with the doors open and people spread out as they see fit.
- Corporate worship will once again begin at 6:30 p.m.
- Please arrive at 6:15 p.m. so you can get set up in a spot that is comfortably spaced out for you. We are still encouraging social distancing.
- Masks are not required but are encouraged if that allows you to worship more freely and comfortably. We are still leaving this as a personal choice.
- Small groups will disperse to designated locations after corporate worship around 7 p.m. If you are in a small group, please contact your small group leader for the location.
- There will be nursery.
- There will be Children’s Ministry activities. These will take place IN THE KIDZ ZONE ROOM.
- There will be Youth Ministry activities. These will take place IN THE GYM.
- We are still asking you to bring your camp chair to use in the gym and in your small group.
- If you are not in a small group already, we have plenty of options for you to join one if you desire. We really hope everybody will come who wants to just to be with the body of Christ, to worship together, and to connect in a small group after. If you are not connected in a small group and want to be, please contact Sean (423-598-0286) or see him Wednesday night.
- There will be NO FELLOWSHIP MEAL.
updated June 3, 2020 – info for wednesday
Some informational notes for our Wednesday Service:
- Please bring your own chairs again.
- Arrive at 6:15 p.m. to set up your chairs wherever you are comfortable under the tent.
- Service will begin at 6:30 p.m. with the youth band leading all of us in worship.
- There WILL be nursery, which will open at 6:20 p.m.
- There will be Children’s activities. Children will be with parents during the worship set and then will go with Mrs. Laura after into the gym.
- It is FIRST WEDNESDAY for the youth. Invite a friend. After large group teaching time under the tent, the youth will go up to the field for games.
- Adult Small groups will run from roughly 7-8 p.m.
- There will be NO FELLOWSHIP MEAL.
updated June 1, 2020 – woodlands freestyle
updated May 30, 2020 – info for sunday
We just wanted to highlight some information for this week’s Sunday service. Most everything will be the exact same as last Sunday, but there are a few additional pieces of information we would like to bring to your attention.
- There WILL be nursery this Sunday. Please contact Laura Smith at 423-284-9337 if you have any questions.
- There will once again be NO separate Children’s or Youth. Everyone other than nursery will be under the tent for the worship service.
- Last week, a number of people sat outside the tent in order to enhance their social distancing and were able to hear very well. If you feel more comfortable doing this, please feel free to do so. You are even able to park your car down the far end of the tent and sit in your car and hear just fine as well. If you have any questions about how this works, please contact Sean at 423-598-0286.
- This week, we will be doing a combination of printed lyrics on paper like we did last week and a PowerPoint projection of the lyrics on the tent ceiling. We did this on Wednesday night, and it worked pretty well. If you are sitting in the back, it may be harder to see the projection, so we ask that those in the front save the printed lyrics for people in the back.
- There is no church-wide coordinated Sunday school; however, we do have several groups that are choosing to meet. Please contact your group leader to find out if your group is meeting and where. If you have any questions about this, please contact Sean at 423-598-0286.
- Please bring your own chairs once again.
- Please bring your own bibles.
- We do once again strongly encourage everyone to practice good social distancing, wear masks if that is what you prefer, and be mindful of other people’s personal space.
- Once again, we will not do our greeting time, nor will we pass the plate. There will be 2 offering boxes in which you can place your offering.
- Please arrive at 10:45 a.m. to get situated. Service will be begin at 11 a.m.
We also once again ask that you come with your heart filled with grace and love. We are thankful to God for providing an opportunity to worship in person as a community again, and we hope you arrive tomorrow with your heart prepared to worship and prepared to hear from God. It should be a great morning at Eastwood.
updated May 26, 2020 – info for wednesday
As we have mentioned previously, we are excited about gathering together tomorrow (Wednesday, May 27) for corporate worship and small groups. Our service this past Sunday was such a powerful experience of connecting with God, and we believe Wednesday will provide more of the same. We hope you are excited and plan to attend. Here are some basic informational items:
- Please bring your own chairs again.
- Arrive at 6:15 p.m. to set up your chairs wherever you are comfortable under the tent.
- Service will begin at 6:30 p.m. with the youth band leading all of us in worship.
- We will transition from worship into small groups by 7:00 p.m.
- Small groups should end around 8:00 p.m.
- You will use your camp chair for your small group also.
- Check with your small group leader for the location your group will meet.
- If you are not in a small group already, we have plenty of options for you to join one if you desire. We really hope everybody will come who wants to just to be with the body of Christ, to worship together, and to connect in a small group after. If you are not connected in a small group and want to be, please contact Sean (423-598-0286) or see him Wednesday night.
- There WILL be nursery and Children’s activities. Nursery will open at 6:20 p.m. Other children will be with parents during the worship set and then will go with Mrs. Laura after. She will email parents separately with her plan for the kids. Be on the lookout for this communication. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Laura Smith at 423-284-9337.
- There will be NO FELLOWSHIP MEAL.
- WEATHER PERMITTING: There is a chance of thunderstorms. In the event of severe weather, we may have to cancel all Wednesday activities. We will make this decision by 2:00 p.m. and will send out mass communication shortly thereafter. If we do have to cancel, please plan to meet in your small groups by Zoom. This includes youth as well.
As always, we thank you for your prayers, your grace and patience, and your understanding during this time. We really are excited about what God is doing at and through our church, and we hope you are too. Please let us know if you have any questions.
updated May 23, 2020 – info for sunday
- For Sunday, May 24, there will be no nursery, no Children’s Ministry, and no separate Youth activities. All attendees will be together under the tent. We will be evaluating this for future weeks and will announce our plans in advance from week-to-week.
- You are more than welcome to sit outside the tent if that is more comfortable for you. The sound should carry a decent distance into the parking lot. It’s also possible if your car is close enough that you could hear the sound from your car with the windows rolled down. We make no guarantees of this, but it is possible. There are a number of parking spots relatively close. Those will be open for parking. We also ask that if you see someone sitting outside the tent that you pay special attention to being mindful of personal space and social distancing. We are asking for this anyway, but if someone is outside the tent, please be extra mindful.
- There is no current plan to video stream the service or post video after; however, we do plan to record the audio of the sermon like we always used to do and post that sometime after the conclusion of the service. We will do our best to post this as promptly as is possible. We will evaluate this element as we move forward to see what provisions we need to make to keep those of you who are unable to attend connected to the teaching. We hope the audio will be sufficient for those of you wanting to hear the sermon.
- Please bring your own chairs.
- After the service, please allow the worship team to do their own tear down of the equipment. This will help guard against a large collection of people in close quarters. They are prepared to do this.
- Bring your own bible, if you want to follow along with the scriptures.
- Please come with your hearts filled with grace for the entire process.
updated May 22, 2020 – reopening
As most of you have probably heard by now, Eastwood Church will be beginning it’s reopening this coming Sunday, May 24. We have prayed and prayed about what God wants for our church, and we feel He has guided us to open for at least the first three weeks outside, underneath a large tent. It should be exciting to be back together again worshiping together, while also providing plenty of open-air space to provide ample social distancing. Here are some basic informational items, so you’ll know a little bit about what to expect:
- Arrive at 10:45 a.m. to get situated
- Bring your own chairs for your family
- Sit wherever and however you feel comfortable, spaced out from other families and people.
- Please be mindful of social distancing.
- Service to begin at 11:00 a.m. and go until approximately 12:00 p.m.
- Masks will be available but not required. We are leaving this up to each individual person’s preference. Again, please be mindful of others who may differ in their thinking on these topics.
- Hand sanitizer will be available.
- The passing of the plate for the offering will NOT happen. Instead, there will be boxes where you can drop off your offering.
- There will be no greet time.
- We will not have PowerPoint, so we will provide sheets with the lyrics to the worship songs.
- Also, since there will be no PowerPoint, you are encouraged to bring your bible to follow along if you wish.
- There will be no organized Sunday School time. We are actually leaving this up to each individual group to prayerfully consider and decide what to do. If you are in a class that decides to meet, those meetings will occur outside. Your camp chair will be used for that as well. Please check with your class leader for plans.
- The building will be closed, except the courtyard door between the gym and the sanctuary so that one set of Men’s and Women’s bathrooms can be used, if necessary. We encourage the usage of these bathrooms to be kept to an absolute minimum if at all possible.
- Grace toward one another in every aspect is a must.
- Please be praying for our service, our body, and everything surrounding our church during this time.
Here is also a video you can watch with some information about Sunday!
We look forward to being with those of you who are able to attend. We have missed worshiping with you!
updated May 9, 2020 – what’s next?
So, what’s next for Eastwood Church? Listen as Pastors, Bill Spencer and Sean Hanzelik, discuss how God is currently revealing plans for re-opening.
updated May 2, 2020 – a message from your pastor
There are a lot of questions and uncertainties in our country and community at this time, and we are sure there are a lot of questions and uncertainties in our body at Eastwood. Please watch the video below for a message from our Pastor, Bill Spencer, as he shares a little bit about the vision and thinking Eastwood has during this time and moving forward. We also continue to ask you for your prayers for wisdom and guidance as we seek God for His direction for our church. We thank you for praying with and for us.
updated April 14, 2020 – meals
Meal Opportunity for Families Without Power
updated April 2, 2020 – easter celebrations
Watch the video below for some information on our upcoming Easter celebrations and services.
updated March 30, 2020 – info for children’s & youth ministries
Watch the video below for some information on Children’s & Youth Ministry teachings and parental partnership.
updated March 28, 2020 – ways to give
First of all, we want to thank each of you that have continued in your giving to Eastwood during the recent few weeks. God has proven to continue to be faithful in His protection of and provision for our church, so we praise Him wholeheartedly. We’ve had a lot of questions about the operation of the church (i.e. is the office still open, will people be there, will my checks be deposited promptly, how do I give, etc), so we wanted to take this opportunity to share with you some of those answers.
Yes, the church office is open during the week. There are people there at various times and on various schedules, but yes, regular office work is getting done. We do ask for your patience and understanding during this time, and we also encourage you to text Sean (423-598-0286) ahead of time before coming by, just to make sure he or someone else is there. You can do this anytime. Also, any checks received will be deposited the following Monday or Tuesday after the day on which the check is received, which is our normal schedule anyway.
Lastly, how can you continue to be faithful in your giving to Eastwood during this time? There are multiple ways you can give, as outlined below:
- Bring your contribution by the church: As noted above, please text Sean ahead of time to make sure someone is there.
- Mail a standard check to the church office: The address is 4300 Ooltewah Ringgold Rd – Ooltewah, TN 37363. Again, the check will be deposited on the Monday or Tuesday after it is received.
- Do an e-check through your online banking bill pay system: Same mailing address as above. Only difference is that these checks take approximately 7 days to be received. Once received, it will be deposited the Monday or Tuesday after receipt. NOTE: There is no fee for this, for you or the church.
- Give online: Go to CLICK HERE. Click the link, follow the prompts, etc. If you have any questions, call or text Sean. NOTE: There are fees for this. See below for details.
- Text To Give: This is a new feature for our church. Below are the steps:
- Text to Give Number: 423-301-5378 (save this number in your phone as Eastwood Text To Give)
- Go to your Messages/Texting app on your smart phone
- Enter the 423-301-5378 as the recipient
- In the message block, type the numerical amount of your donation. You do not need a dollar sign.
- Hit send
- You will receive a response text with a hyperlink. This is a registration link for you to enter your personal information and banking info.
- After clicking the link and entering all your personal information, hit the “Process” button at the bottom.
- This will complete your donation.
- You will receive a confirmation text. You can also set up recurring donations through this. You can also cancel your donation through this.
- If you have any questions, please contact Sean at 423-598-0286. Once your registration is done, you will not have to go through that process every time. After set up, you will be able to just text the dollar amount with one-click submission. Easy peasy!
Just a few other notes people often ask about:
- If you give online via credit/debit, there is a 2.75% fee that the church pays. You are able to absorb this fee on the website.
- If you give online via ACH, the fee is only 1%. The church does absorb this fee, but you can also choose to increase your donation if you would like to absorb it.
- If you give by text, the fee is 2.75% also, but there is no way for you to absorb it unless you manually increase your donation.
As always, we thank you for your faithfulness, and if there are any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to reach out to Sean at 423-598-0286.